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The Freedom that Knowledge brings
In Knowledge Dissemination
Shantanu Panigrahi
May 28, 2021
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A review on the need and scope for a non-judgmental approach to living ones life.
In Religion and Philosophy
Shantanu Panigrahi
May 11, 2021
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Scottish independence
In Political Forum
Shantanu Panigrahi
Apr 19, 2021
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Covid Certificates and Identity Cards
In Political Forum
Shantanu Panigrahi
Apr 07, 2021
I am a Libertarian at heart, but in the present society of the United Kingdom and globally that one lives in being a Libertarian is only possible in the seclusion of one's home, or in a monastery. When one lives as part of society, one has to engage in all the aspects of society in order to regulate the society and this process goes on until there is an ideal society formed. We are a long way away from having that ideal society. I have a formula for that. It is named as The Conservative Libertarian Society. But it failed to secure any interest whatsoever so I realised that it can only come about through peaceful means of activism over generations and that peaceful means of activism is through utilising the tools and instruments of democracy as exist now. We are where we are, and we have to do what we can to continue with our efforts to maintain a peaceful society that does not burden our social and armed services who need to have the surveillance tools to monitor what is going on in society now. Furthermore, Mr Boris Johnson is the Prime Minister with an overwhelming mandate from the Party and the electorate to take the nation forwards over the next three years. If he introduces ID cards of various descriptions which were banded about years ago but failed to materialise, I feel that he would go down as a great Prime Minister. What will happen in the next election is nothing to be concerned about, for if the electorate feel that he is wrong in what he does, democracy would have prevailed, and the next phase of evolution of society will then take shape. If Labour get into power why should Conservatives worry about that now. If Conservatives can convince the public of their arguments and come to a consensus among themselves, produce the appropriate manifesto they play our part in democracy. So, I now describe myself as a Conservative with a focus on the principles of libertarianism tempered by democracy, as the overriding ethos.
Satya-advaita, the yoga, and Vishsita Advaita the destination
In Mental Health
Shantanu Panigrahi
Apr 05, 2021
Atheism and Democracy are Contradictory Positions of Government
In Political Forum
Shantanu Panigrahi
Apr 04, 2021
We are but vessels and if it was not Covid 19, we could fall victim to other predators of nature since there is an abundance of humanimals who also prey on the lives of simple and vulnerable people, and we find it difficult to vaccinate ourselves against them. They too cause long lasting harm chiefly mental health wise but also financially and so materially. It is part of Nature, best get used to it than fight it or even defend against it. Die, so what, we only eat drink and make merry as humanimals. Should we then walk down the centre of the road if it does not matter? No of course not, for that is suicidal even martyrdom of sorts; I am against suicide or martyrdom or causing oneself mental illness of any kind as all self-inflicted wounds. I am discussing here a solution for all these ills of mankind and for this purpose I wish to discuss the evolution of democracy from 40, 000 years ago to the present day. It is argued by ‘yours truly’ that we humans were just like all the other animals in wildlife prior to this period when the first signs of something imaginative in terms of human creativity occurred to people to get them to think more closely about who they are and this is depicted in the art forms in caves that still survive. The process continued and took hold when settled agriculture was developed and then people had more time to think about themselves fed up with mundane living and wondered whether they had access to gods in the ethers that they could draw upon for inspiration to help them live their lives in much more civilised manner. Thus, theism was born and societies created to regulate what people did through the worship of those gods, for they found that their lives had been enhanced through such spirituality. The States that excelled in this spirituality expanded and Hinduism was first established in the Indian subcontinent. Regulation of this and other societies copying the Hindu conception that had spread to Cambodia and Indonesia on the East and Afghanistan to the West also developed when the Mohenjodara and Harrappa civilisations were seen as being successful. Democracy developed through this process of civilisation as Vedic panchayat local government and more widely and its basis was to use each person to their strengths and weaknesses. Some societies remained atheistic and things turned sour when invasions from foreigners intruding into the Hindu heartland generated conflicts, from Alexander the Great, Persian-Islamic Moughals and then the Europeans led by Great Britain. So Hindu civilisation dissipated. Modern-day Science has further contributed dismantlement of Hindu civilisation enforced militarily from the western countries that were largely aspiritual paying lip-service to the Holy Bible and this was exacerbated by Charles Dickens Theory on the Evolution of the Species, and lately, by Richard Dawkins elaboration on that in focussing on the genetic basis of evolution. Spirituality has largely vanished in modern living conditions. This has led to severe mental health problems the world over as science and technology has become the guru-based secular and atheistic theology. But the coronavirus pandemic has shown that the reliance in such Science does not solve the problems that mankind faces in its focus on Health rather than mental stability. A change is needed for which promoting Democracy is vital.
Education, Education and Education
In Political Forum
Shantanu Panigrahi
Apr 03, 2021
Sorry this did not work out quite as I had intended: I was talking about a video that I created in Facebook earlier on how there should be a new approach to the education of our children from 5 years of age through to their 18th birthday. During the past 25 years especially the world gas become globalised as a single market in pursuit of the capitalistic socialism agenda that treats all human beings as slaves to System of a Single Market. They consequently have been learning and working as robotic machines with no creativity of their own for which they have the genetic capacity to exhibit given the appropriate mental guidance. This has been a failed experimentation of globalisation and the result is terrible mental health suffering of young as they even enter adulthood right up to old age. I can personally vouch for that for that is my personal experience from the time that the senior managers of the University of Greenwich dismissed me from service as a very able scientist with an unblemished conduct record until the New Steps of Mr Blair's government that was in fact initiated prior to his arrival by the Conservative Party which dismantled the State through turning trade unions as bystanders and which Mr Blair followed through by removing Clause 4 from the Labour Party Constitution. What followed subsequently was the revelation of the State of the United Kingdom as a dictatorial Police State necessarily so in a bid to seek the glory of the Empire once again and which culminated in the Brexit saga 12-14 months ago. To this day there has been no Written Reasons given to me as to why I was not intentionally defamed by successive employers such as Shell UK, and Sainsburys and continued to be marginalised out of employment by Tesco, Morrisons, John Lewis and countless others, for I did not fit in as I was determined to stick to my creativity born of spiritual and material mixture of education from a very early age in India which I brought to the United Kingdom as a 15 year old. Vedic education is the correct manner in which children should be educated, the people should determine the economy and not the economy determine the people. For people to determine the economy the education of the children is vital component that continually should assess the strengths and weaknesses of each child in the classroom to determine their responses to a standard material and spiritual mix of education that takes particular note of mental health of the child. The teachers should therefore be trained in mental health in a State education system only, with all private education binned so that the State runs in a cohesive manner under the Monarchy in the United Kingdom, and not get kicked about like a football by the two major parties and differences within Parties such as we have currently in the Conservative and Unionist Party where a huge majority has been used to dismiss dissenting voicies of what are all career politicians engaging in spin doctoring through fake news. The coronavirus has dismantled the globalised world. It was about time. I feel it was a deliberate Heaven-sent boon to mankind, that allows fresh thinking on how we should now progress globally leaving each country to fend for itself in independence to use their citizens as they see fit and at the level of dictatorship that each country's population can tolerate before they took action on their leaders. If people are not place first, there is no democracy to speak of, as we see in the United Kingdom which is facing incredibly dark times because since the Falklands war and the miners strike the people have been ignored by the Establishment.
Welcome to the Political Forum
In Political Forum
Shantanu Panigrahi
Apr 02, 2021
The strive for perfection continues to follow a path that discards each moment the irregularities and contradictions inherent in previous conception. It is and always shall be an individual struggle that cannot be taught from Holy Books, Institutional frameworks of secularity, or governmental impositions. Interfaith dialogue will only create more controversies and distrust among different established faiths. So, it is best that a person lives alone with his own thoughts of what is freedom to practice his or her religion. Everyone considers himself or herself to be free to decide on his or her options in life. That is the process in which we individually truth-accommodate for our basic survival. The ones who survive with philosophy that is unarguable is happy, for everyone else is a vested interest on whose territory one is stepping on as trespassers and disrupting their way of life. So multiculturalism needs to be enshrined in the Constitution, and Democracy adapted to reflect the diverse ways under which people wish to lead their lives in a single country as a State. Dictatorial regimes do not allow that. One has to remain secluded in one’s home and struggle to establish one's credentials as a sane person who is saying it like it is. It is very simple at the end of the day, if one relies on free-thinking to let one's thoughts guide one nonchalantly, spontaneously and unpremeditatedly in one's life journey with no ulterior motives (schemes, plans, missions, objectives, desires, hopes and anticipations and expectations, wishes) that must be relinquished in the interest of self-preservation in total peace of mind filling one's time with some activity or the other no matter what come's ones way, doing what comes naturally. HE COMMON FACTOR IN HUMANITY Hinduism is a collective conglomeration constituting a way of existence as a society, with tolerance for all and Christianity is a bhakti religion with subservience to the Almighty. So in that respect Hinduism and Christianity differ, but the essential point I am making is that both accept truth as the philosophical goal of all human beings. That is true for all religions. It is a matter of opinion as to who has attained the highest possible truth that the universe in its constitution enables and assists not only in the methods employed in determining truth but also in the outcome. The common factor in Christianity and Hinduism is that man has ascertained that material objectives in living need to be relinquished in favour of spiritual/ethereal ones and then the human spirit progresses in a state that reaches the destination of peace of mind ready for the afterlife. This is only a personal view and not shared by all Hindus.
Welcome to the Political Forum
In Political Forum
Shantanu Panigrahi
Apr 02, 2021
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Welcome to the Political Forum
In Political Forum
Shantanu Panigrahi
Apr 02, 2021
This morning I have had another brainwave as I pondered on the evolution of societies and placed democracy at the heart of it all as the perfection to be striving towards into the future. This is born from the observations that one cannot coerce people into changing their beliefs and ways, as we therefore must accept people for what they are and accommodate those diverse imaginations and persuasion into the form of government that we should adopt across the world. This is based on a study of how modern humans came about from around 40,000 years ago prior to which humans were just like any other wildlife that roamed across the globe in search of food and water. Theism developed when man started questioning whether there was anything more to life than living just like another animal and it was a gradual process through which intelligence was sharpened that there were existence-realms from which man could derive better means of discovering Nature in its complexity and from that knowledge gain the awareness of how to conduct himself to ensure that he/she is living to the highest level of proseperity and comfort. Societies were formed to maximise the potentials of the populations that were then governed appropriately to lead a theistic means of generating human welfare. Still there are remnants of that wild streak of 40, 000 years ago and we see them being marginalised in the global sphere, to contain them in the imprisonment of their own States through sanctions imposed by democratic systems of government that excelled in human welfare. The mind was assuaged to care for mental health accordingly.
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