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We are a select brand of people committed to the cause of peace and justice and believe in total non-violence and protesting in any way, shape or form as democrats who subscribe to precise democratic nature of the Constitution of a particular country. But we do make our distinctive philosophy clear for all humanity across the globe to consider so that Police States are eradicated from the world in the passage of time through arguments and persuation. We take part in poltics through our Party in the United Kingdom, 'The Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom: https://theconservativelibertarianpartyoftheunitedkingdom.com
If you are able to contribute to this cause I would welcome an interaction in the Forum Section of this website for we believe in total transparency of our interactions in that nothing should be private and confidential. This stance is take because we believe that hiding hidden agendas retards the progress of humanity into the goal of a better future for all across the globe. So we do not entertain private correspondence through emails and telephone calls but aim to register all our interactions with interested groups through this website only which will now be the focus of all our activities in the democratic and political fields.