With reference to the following correspondence:
Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
Allen Jesson
Sheffield Road
Sat, 15 Apr at 17:22
Dear Allen
Thank you.
I have come to my wits end with the way the State authorities conduct themselves, with no replies to any representation that I make, as you will note from the following links:
Appeal at the Court of Appeal (E35YM660 & J00ME572 combination) (knowledgeassessmentanddissemination.com) https://www.knowledgeassessmentanddissemination.com/post/appeal-at-the-court-of-appeal-e35ym660-j00me572-combination
Appeal at the Court of Appeal (E35YM660 & J00ME572 combination)
Appeal at the Court of Appeal (E35YM660 & J00ME572 combination) Yahoo / Sent Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigra...
Order #2289 confirmed: informing the Court of Appeal (knowledgeassessmentanddissemination.com) https://www.knowledgeassessmentanddissemination.com/post/order-2289-confirmed-informing-the-court-of-appeal
Order #2289 confirmed: informing the Court of Appeal
Order #2289 confirmed Yahoo / Sent Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com> To: Civil Appeals - Registry...
Twenty five years it has taken for me to try and get a Hearing for a judicial decision on this matter and all I get is silence as if I do not matter to the powers that be.
Luckily, I have you and Jill to keep me company through these difficult times as the Samaritans to have vanished into thin air since in my paranoid schizophrenic state of persistent delusions, severe depression, mood instability, autism, split mind or personality disorder, I do not have anyone to socialise with.
I look forward to receiving your 77 Secrets and for Jill to use her holistic procedures to be there for me, as I do get a lot of emotional support from the Zoom conversations and hypnosis that she uses.
Since my next appointment with the Consultant Psychiatrist is on the 26 May 2023 10.00 am, a Dr Okafor, who will telephone me rather than engage in a face to face appointment, I should be booking more Sessions with Jill until I find out what Kent Police do with me when I go to Medway Police Station on 18 June 2023 at 5.00 pm to sign-on in relation the conditions of Bail that they imposed on me following the latest arrest of 28 March 2023.
Thanks once again Allen
Yours truly
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On Saturday, 15 April 2023 at 16:10:26 BST, Allen Jesson <allen@vitali-chi.com> wrote:
Thanks, wilco. Regards Allen x
On 15/04/2023 11:59, Shantanu Panigrahi wrote:
Dear Allen
I am having trouble with my emailing system: so am trying to send this again: N161-eng-0622.pdf; GROUND OF APPEAL TO ACCOMPANY THE APPELLANT'S NOTICE TO THE COURT OF APPEAL for Jill to assess and advise on Zoom. I will not take any further actions until after this Counselling Session has been completed.
I will have to upload Zoom again on this new laptop that we were forced to purchase because Kent Police confiscated all three of our computers, 2 Mobile Phones, 3 USB Memory Sticks and one Amazon Fire.
Please put me back on the 77 Vitali Chi Secrets circular communications again as a subscriber.
On Saturday, 15 April 2023 at 11:52:39 BST, Allen Jesson <allen@vitali-chi.com> wrote:
Allen Jesson
+44 (0)1206 385397
in my Appellant's Notice for the Duty Judge at the Court of Appeal, I had asked for a rapid jurisdictional-assessment today, not tomorrow (Sunday) and not on an indefinte time-limit.
The silence from the State authorities at the judicial and Law Enforcement levels is clearly indicative of the fact that jurisidiction has failed to materialise in my favour as Claimant who not only sought £7 million in compensation in total in the Order to be issued by the Duty Judge, but also a written apology to me that had to be signed by Rishi Sunak the Prime Minister and Alan Pughesley the Chief Constable of Kent Police. The only reason left for jurisdiction to have failed is that the Monarch was responsible all along for the persecution that I have suffered over the past 25 years of residence in the United Kingdom, and being a kingdom rather than a Republic, the monarch is not answerable to anyone, this being the reason that my petition to the Late Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II had also failed.
Shantanu Panigrahi