Assigned support
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
to: Sheffield Road <>
date: 23 Oct 2023, 06:56
subject: Assigned support
Hello Jo
I was in two minds whether to reply back to you yesterday evening consistent with the idea that I had that the State of the United Kingdom waged a war against me over the past 26 years for my truth-seeking nature and associated activities in which I corresponded with people and institutions across the board to develop my knowledge as any good Hindu is apt to do.
I am not a warrior but have only tried to survive against the odds with my family here in the United Kingdom so have been gently persuasive to the authorities to leave me alone. But it has fallen on deaf ears.
I do not discuss these matters with my wife anymore because she has consistently said to me that this is my mental disorder of paranoid schizophrenia and persecution complex and there has been no meeting of minds. But we love each other and she has stood by me with my shortcomings and erratic tendencies.
There is no rhyme or reason anymore for what I write to anyone, and this applies to you, the Samaritans, who are only doing their duties to the State of the United Kingdom in your correspondence with me. I accept that and live accordingly.
I know you do not wish me to go into the details of my legal involvements that much as I tried to terminate, it occurs to me that the termination has not been accepted by the State authorities. This causes me concern although as you have noted I stay calm through the pending deliberations.
With the Samaritans I have had my ups and downs, but these were part of my resistance to the tyranny that I faced from the State authorities, and you already know those details.
I stand firm that I will not lose my fundamental principle of replying to anyone who writes to me for I have no ulterior motives in what I do and write, no missions, no aims, no objectives, no plans, no anticipations, no expectations, no wishes, no hopes, and no desires and so all in all no ego. I just know exactly what the right thing to do and write and leave it all to posterity.
I hope this explains how I feel on this Monday morning as I await the developments of the working day.
Assigned support
date: 22 Oct 2023, 17:31
subject: Assigned support
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: Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.
Hello Shantanu
I'm pleased to hear that you have found our app to be helpful and hope that you will continue to benefit from it.
You mentioned in a previous email that you and your wife always discuss what is best for you and your mental health. You have made some difficult decisions recently, I wonder if you had her support in this?
Shantanu, it is so good to hear that you stay calm these days, how is that making a difference to how you are feeling?
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