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Topic: Dethronement and Impeachment of Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom (Read 1 times)

Topic: Dethronement and Impeachment of Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom (Read 1 times)

Topic: Dethronement and Impeachment of Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom (Read 1 times) Online Shantanu Newbie * Posts: 3 Gender: Male I love Conservative Political Forum! View Profile Email Personal Message (Online) Dethronement and Impeachment of Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom « on: Today at 09:00:54 AM » Quote Modify Remove Proceedings: E35YM660 Bundle and Skeleton Argument of Claimant for the June 21 2021, 11.40 am hearing Inbox Shantanu Panigrahi Attachments08:00 (8 hours ago) TO WHOM THIS MAY PRIMARILY CONCERN: FOR IMMEDIATE RESPONSE Dear Sirs 1. I have not received any information from anyone you with regard to the following proceed Mail Delivery Subsystem 08:00 (8 hours ago) Message blocked Your message to has been blocked. See technical details below for more information. The respon Central London DJSKEL 08:00 (8 hours ago) Thank You for your email message which is now in the judicial email inbox. This inbox is only viewed by judiciary and court staffs do not have access to this ac from: Shantanu Panigrahi <> to:,, "KMPTPALS (KENT AND MEDWAY NHS AND SOCIAL CARE PARTNERSHIP TRUST)" <>,, date: 16 Apr 2021, 16:24 subject: Fwd: Proceedings: E35YM660 Bundle and Skeleton Argument of Claimant for the June 21 2021, 11.40 am hearing mailed-by: For the attention of Dr Mawanche Dear Dr Mawanche 1. With reference to your telephone call to me this afternoon while I was asleep I telephoned the Surgery and I have been booked an appointment for you to telephone me in the morning of Monday 19 th April 2021. I wish to state at this stage that I have been bullied, harassed and intimidated by the judicial authorities and legal authorities of the United Kingdom as will be clear from the following correspondence and the attached ToEastKentMagistratesCourtccAlanPugsleyChiefConstableKentPolice(onAutoReply)16Apr2021.docx. The procedures of the Court have been systematically manipulated against me for over a year to pervert justice by obstructing justice to pervert the course of justice 2. I would like to receive written account on this complaint from the State authorities prior to the meeting with yourself of with any Mental Health Consultant Psychiatrist at Britton House or elsewhere in the absence of a Community Treatment Order because I totally reject the continued insinuation that I am a mentally deranged person who is suffering from paranoid schizophrenia or persistent delusional disorder for which the State imposes anti-psychotic, anti-depressant and mood stabilising medications on me. The taking of these medications is against my religion and whilst I accept that I need to maintain social distancing I am also against vaccinations that the Queen has made mandatory by stating the those who do not take the Coronavirus vaccinations are being selfish. This stipulation by Her Majesty the Queen is against the law unless the government makes the vaccinations mandatory by explicit declaration before the vaccination appointments are made. As such it calls for dethronement of Her Majesty the Queen or impeachment through the due processes of Parliamentary Scrutiny given that the Courts have failed to act on my applications for her dethronment as lodged in Medway County Court and subsequently through Parliamentary process of impeachment. This matter will have to have written decision also because the Election Commission has stopped me from standing in the May 6 Elections as an independent candidate under the banner of The Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom ( Yours sincerely Dr Shantanu Panigrahi 3 Hoath Lane Wigmore Gillingham Kent ME8 0SL Tel: 07967789619 ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Shantanu Panigrahi <> Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2021 at 08:00 Subject: Proceedings: E35YM660 Bundle and Skeleton Argument of Claimant for the June 21 2021, 11.40 am hearing To: Complaints <>, <>, Katrina Sale <>, forz khan <>, Adele Miller <>, cccladjournments <>, <>, <>, <>

TO WHOM THIS MAY PRIMARILY CONCERN: FOR IMMEDIATE RESPONSE Dear Sirs 1. I have not received any information from anyone you with regard to the following proceedings: (a) ToCentralLondonCountyCourtDSKJLcclCostsoFNoticeofHearingDocumentthismorninginthepost)15Apr2021.docx; (b) ToConservativePartyComplaints13Apr2021.docx; (c) The Civil and Criminal Justice System needs Refreshing.docx; (d) ToMrForzKhan(InterimPaymentstoMrsTheresaMay)26May2021.docx (e) ToKMPTLegalServices(URGENTREPLYNEEDED)8April2021.docx/ (f) NoticeofHearing15April2021Document_2021-04-15_103153.pdf. (g) NoticeofHearing15April2021Document_2021-04-15_103341(b).pdf. (h) FrAdeleMiller (E35YM660 DISPOSAL)30Mar2021.docx. 2. These documents constitute my bundle for the deliberations of the Judge in whatever remit he or she has to consider whatever needs to be considered by the Judge in light of the continuing conspiriacy of silence to prolong my suffering at the hands of the State in this State-organised persecution of me over the past 23 years. 3. Please take particular note that I am not available to attend any Hearing of any kind whatsoever before 21 June 2021 or after 21 June 2021 accordingly, to register my protest first voiced here: ( at this continued persecution by the Court officials of Central London County Court. The email is therefore copied to East Kent Magistrates Court for appropriate Disposal on Appeal as attached: EastKentMagistrates Court Order24Feb2021_26Mar2021.docx. Yours sincerely Dr Shantanu Panigrahi 3 Hoath Lane Gillingham Kent ME8 0SL United Kingdom Tel: 07967789619 10 Attachments ToCentralLondonCountyCourtDSKJLcclCostsoFNoticeofHearingDocumentthismorninginthepost)15Apr2021.docx; ToConservativePartyComplaints13Apr2021.docx; The Civil and Criminal Justice System needs Refreshing.docx; ToMrForzKhan(InterimPaymentstoMrsTheresaMay)26May2021.docx ToKMPTLegalServices(URGENTREPLYNEEDED)8April2021.docx/ NoticeofHearing15April2021Document_2021-04-15_103153.pdf. NoticeofHearing15April2021Document_2021-04-15_103341(b).pdf. FrAdeleMiller (E35YM660 DISPOSAL)30Mar2021.docx. EastKentMagistrates Court Order24Feb2021_26Mar2021.docx ToEastKentMagistratesCourtccAlanPugsleyChiefConstableKentPolice(onAutoReply)16Apr2021.docx

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