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Writer's picture: Shantanu PanigrahiShantanu Panigrahi

Self analysis



Shantanu Panigrahi

To:Peter Cook Virgin

Sat, 6 Jul at 21:06


Sorry Peter,


You still do not see where I am coming from: PETITION FOR A WRITTEN CONSTITUTION FOR THE UNITED kINGDOM.docx attached.




On Saturday, 6 July 2024 at 20:03:53 BST, Peter Cook Virgin <> wrote copied to HOC Petitions Committee:


Please see the Reboot strategy



Best regards

Peter Cook

Human Dynamics and The Academy of Rock

Business and Organisation Development

Conference Keynotes and Exceptional Events blending business with music

Coaching and Mentoring

Read our books on Amazon

+44 (0) 7725 927585


From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

Sent: Saturday, July 6, 2024 7:36:14 pm

To: Peter Cook Virgin <>

Cc: HOC Petitions Committee <>

Subject: Re: Self analysis




Congratulations: so long as your self-appraisal has been satisfactory for you, that is the main thing.


I am still facing difficulties with Stripe, the Business Bank, and the establishment of my Party TCLP-UK which campaigns for a semi-Republican agenda that a Written Constitution would automatically rectify, given the terrible state of Justice and Law Enforcement in the United Kingdom, that is summarised here:  will be taken forward in a Petition to Parliament as soon as the Committee has been convened and the website opened.


I am interested in joining the European Union as the next best thing but it is not the be-all and end-all of my considerations, and neither is the Climate agenda. I am interested in humanity above all, that comes from truth, justice and democracy.


If you are also interested I could do with assistance in writing the Petition to the House of Commons.


Best regards




On Saturday, 6 July 2024 at 18:36:41 BST, Peter Cook Virgin <> wrote:


Self appraisal ...


344 votes cast for Stan the Cat. I came 6th out of 8 candidates, beating two national parties with budgets and resources.


Not too shabby, given that I recommended people vote for Labour rather than myself at two sets of hustings. In spite of this kamikazi mission, I still got more votes than Count Binface who had immense national publicity and the vast majority of independent candidates. I did all the on the ground campaigning by myself, accepting that most people thought it was pointless. And with no £ millions to spam people with fb and You Tube ads.


At the same time, I helped The Lib Dems to win in Epsom. Our anti-Tory leaflets also helped to remove Tolhurst and Gamester in Chatham / Aylesford and Rochester / Strood.


I also recruited 14 candidates for the Climate Party and coached them on various matters from campaigning to hustings and social media.


And finally, I endured a knife attack on my bicycle and keys down my car from Deform UK acolytes. I also faced down endless criticism from people across UK who voted to Remain in the EU, who said that I would split the vote and allow the Tories to win. In fact, I did the exact opposite. I knew exactly what I was doing.


And when set against Gina Miller, a woman with £46 million and a supposed international brand, who got 845 votes, v a man with a bicycle and a cat 🐈 I'll take this as a win !!!


I thoroughly enjoyed meeting new people and discussing the issues they face in the area as well as the big ticket items currently being ignored by Starmer. I'm minded to start some citizens assemblies to ensure that he hears from the people of Medway.


Best regards


Peter Cook

Human Dynamics and The Academy of Rock

Business and Organisation Development

Conference Keynotes and Exceptional Events blending business with music

Coaching and Mentoring

Read our books on Amazon

+44 (0) 7725 927585






(Working draft: 20.41 pm 6 July 2024)

I specialise in dealing with national and international criminals: I started this project in 1998 when in the University of Greenwich that continues to owe me £55,000 in severance pay with its co-conspirators going by the pseudonym of Victims of Panigrahi Association (VOPA) who then and since then terrorised me, but I found a way to cope with it. I do not care where they come from, and right now the criminal that I am focussing on bringing to justice in the Court of Public Opinion is the Circuit Judge in the Central London County Court who deprived me of £150 million in damages and compensation against the co-conspirators with the University of Greenwich. But was the Circuit Judge processing Claim E35YM660 against the Prime Ministers or were there forces above him that had been doing so, I pondered over.


Hiding above the Circuit Judge in the Central County Court have been two Monarchs, Queen Elizabeth II whom I described two decades ago as being a wicked and evil green witch towards me, ordered my persecution in the United Kingdom over 26 years by defaming me and consigning me to the Mental Health Services of the State; the mantle then handed over to her successor King Charles III in the assumed Divine right of Kings and Queens to rule over the population as Absolute Monarchs. To find out I put in place legal procedures to have Queen Elizabeth dethroned in civil and criminal actions including issuing proceedings in The International Criminal Court from where judgment against King Charles III was not given due consideration due to the United Kingdom being a permanent member of the Security Council of the United Nations. It is for fighting for justice that the petitioner was intensely persecuted by the State.


Such criminals need to be brought to Courts of law to face justice and made to pay appropriate reparations to the victims of their crimes. But the unwritten Constitution allows highly corrupt individuals and businesses to commit crimes with impunity and conduct lesser but nonetheless fraudulent activities that the Police do not have the resources or the will to investigate and prosecute perpetrators.


A Written Constitution would prevent the Monarchist Establishment from the tyrannical persecution of those like the petitioner who campaign for truth, justice and democracy, for these ethics if pursued by the State authorities will bring corruption to an end in society. The Monarchial Establishment operates in secrecy manipulating businesses and Media who then hoodwink the public with fake news and propaganda so that they can escape justice. They manipulate the Police to frame allegations against individuals who stand in the way of their corrupt practices. Similarly they manipulate the Judicial processes of the State against selected civil and criminal litigants, which the petitioner has personal experience of and has documented extensively in his 25 websites and 209 eBooks.


The Monarchial Establishment is nameless and faceless so that the only person one can take issue with is the Monarch himself or herself who it is assumed are immuned from legal processes of litigation, dethronement and impeachment in Parliament, an argument that the Judicial authorities interpreting the unwritten Constitution would hide behind to deliberately deprive litigants of justice.

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