Life is nothing without liberty: the freedom to move, the freedom to think, the freedom to express oneself, the freedom to do things that stretches the boundaries of what the State confines one to.
One needs to find one's feet within the restrictions of the State, always leaving the State to decide on one's fate: liberty may require confining oneself to what the State will tolerate. But liberty must come, it is only that which lifts one out of slavery to being a human being.
Being satisfied with one's restricted movements is part of being the libertarian. It is needed for mental peace of mind. Fighting for one's human rights is martyrdom which is Self-destructive. So one must acquiesce to the State-restrictions. Let the State decide.
One must engage with the State to put forward on'es idealistic views on how the State should be constructed. One must develop one's own political party and through that peaceful means express the needs as one perceives it. If one is right, and has a higher idealism than is currently established, things will change for the future. One needs to be socially-conscious.
A man/woman is not an island: the struggle to break out of the confines of the restrictions placed upon one should be on-going. One must survive, He that fights and walks away lives to fight another day is an age-old proverb/advice.
These posting are the only means in which to fight the restrictions that the State enforces to turn people into subjects when clearly there is the democratic need to have everyone the rights that a citizen should have.
So long as one is alive, there is work to be done towards one's ideals. Where there is a will there is a way. Truth needs liberty and indeed finds liberty.