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Conservatism and Democracy in the United Kingdom

Updated: Apr 8, 2021

With regard to the use of additional identity and information about oneself in public, of course, it is illiberal to have to carry ID Cards and vaccination passports/certificates. If one wishes to be liberal one should find a Party that is not Conservative Libertarian. Being Conservative firstly means you preserve: the body, the mind, and the environment. Being libertarian means having freedom and independence to do as one feels one’s conscience dictates.

Mandatory flu vaccination is dictatorial as the policy has to be put to Parliament for a Vote on conscience without Whips being brought in to prevent Members of Parliament voting along Party lines. That would be the test of much libertariansm or liberalism there is in Parliament. I have never been in favour of Whips being used in Parliament as being a anti-democratic instrument to turn Members of Parliament into moronic career politicians. The Parties have to sort out their internal problems of membership and the selection of candidates who adhere to the Party's Constitution; and the Manifestoes before a general election should be placed to the full membership of the Party in a vote. There should be a revamped procedure to de-select Members of Parliament who do not vote to the agreed processes of a Party’s democracy. This is currently not the Case, as you will note from my attempts to get Mr Rehman Chishti my local Constituency Member of Parliament subjected to the de-selection procedures for over a year. The Party's Constitution should make it clear whether the Party would permit the level of intrusion into personal liberties as proposed for the Covid-19 Certificates and other ID Cards.

It is wrong to deduce that the only dangerous enemy to liberalism is our government. We have a system of democracy in place. The Prime Minister is doing everything within the powers vested in him as the Chief Executive of the government in agreement with our Constitutional Monarch Her Majesty the Queen. I know that we do not have a written Constitution but to anyone who reads between the lines of the utterances of Her Majesty the Queen in declaring people who do not vaccinate themselves as being selfish, we know that the Prime Minister and Her Majesty are in tune with each other every step of the way through this coronavirus pandemic.

I know how to read between the lines in an unwritten Constitution. This is because in a personal struggle to restore my reputation as a sane human being and not a mental patient of the State, I first tried to have Her Majesty the Queen dethroned in Medway County Court through to the Central London County Court and tried to prosecute the Director of Public Prosecutions at East Kent Magistrates Court when the authorities did not take any action which I considered to be criminal continuance of State-organised persecution. For my suffering over 23 years at the hands of the State's Mental Health institutions, I also tried to have Her Majesty the Queen impeached in Parliament. All these attempts at securing justice failed to materialise in Judgment Failure as not explicitly denied/struck out or acceded to. Further when I formed my 'The Conservative Libertarian Society ( and submitted my amended Constitution to the Election Commission that the duration of reign of the Monarch of the day should be limited to 10-15 years following which there should be a referendum of the adult population from 18 years of age to determine if he or she should be permitted to continue ruling the country as the Monarch, my attempts to stand as a Candidate for the Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom ( or as an independent candidate under the same banner was not allowed in time for contest the 6 May 2021 elections for the Police and Crime Commissioner in the South East of the United Kingdom.

So, there is a lot people in the Mental Health institutions especially here in the United Kingdom need to brush up on before castigating my well -considered proclamations.

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