The Conservative Libertarian Society was a silly idea that I had about Conservation of Nature in terms of soils, rivers, natural resources, preservation of biodiversity, preservation of human life, taking account of diverse beliefs and interests in the spirit of Conservation, yet being a Libertarian at the same time. It was a religious conception which is not sustainable, for we are after all human beings, not God or gods. The fundamentals were all religious as the practice of Sanatan Dharma as Hindus would call it. It was based on the conception that Nature is composed of three attributes or properties called sattvic (good), rajasic (routinal) and tamasic (evil) which dictated all that happens in the universe named as Brahma-Nature: all conjectural imaginations with no scientific basis whatsoever that we can individually probe through our instruments to detect how the genes of the DNA exert their effects on the body and the mind. The religion, or should I say the Society, rejects the idea of the body being important and that the mind itself was all important, the body being just a vehicle for the mind to channel its creativity through as part of Creation. It believed that Sri Krishna is the Creator God that is represented in the gunas at the rajasic level of Lord Vishnu as Preserver and that worship of Lord Vishnu led to all the actions as karma that would manifest from individuals to result in moksha/mukti or liberty which is why the Society is called the Conservative Libertarian Society ( Further, it believes that everything that happens in the world is pre-ordained and pre-orchestrated so that we need individually to navigate ourselves through Brahma-Nature in total awareness and alertness of the opportunities and dangers to our survival-needs and make progress towards peace and harmony for the individual mind to attain ‘ananda’ or ‘nirvana’. So, the Society believes in immersing oneself in Creation in the minutest detail every moment of the waking hours to release the mind from the shackles of restrictions placed upon it from self-delusional thoughts and beliefs and external restrictions to be peaceful and harmonious. It rejects vaccinations against the coronavirus pandemic and all medications and health services in the firm belief that we should lead natural lives and die when our time on this Earth comes to a natural end at that.
So it is religious conception in that it is the highest level of spirituality believing in fate/naseeb/bhagya/kismat to be accepted out of reverence and worship of Sri Krishna as our Creator God.
It is therefore not viable and I folded my attempts after 6 months during which I could not attract a single member to join the society, not join the Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom: or the Conservative Libertarian Party of the United States of America:
I am afraid to state clearly and unequivocally that the future of the Conservative Libertarian Society will be anathema to the interests of the Conservative and Unionist Party of the United Kingdom and so totally out of order. I wish to keep my religious beliefs within the confines of my home of Shanti Niwas and not share it with anyone within the Conservative Party by creating a group to discuss its future. It would be undermining the Conservative Party if I did so. I just wish to be a cog in the wheel/machine of the Conservative Party as required of me by the Party hierarchy. I feel confident that the Party has people with diverse views on religion which should be a personal matter of choice in that it should not enter the political sphere. This is why I terminated the Conservative Libertarian Society until it receives expressions of interests in the website itself. So if anyone wishes to find out more please go the websites that I have listed above and engage in as discussions if you wish to discuss religion. Religion and politics do not mix. We are here discussing Democracy as fundamental to human needs. It is sacrosanct to material prosperity