If one suspects that people may have ulterior motives for what they do one does not trust anyone until they have proven to me that they are trutsworth to be my family and my friends and associates For they all have their own interests and agendas. And that is how it should be. One has to try very hard through constant probing to ascertain that they can be one’s friends or associates. My wife and daughter are the only two people I trust for we live in the house, a home, a family socialism synbioticaly with each other, and time has proven over 35 years of marriage that this judgment was correct for all three of us.
Misjudgment are what causes disruption. One can only go by facts and not suspicions. For that level of understanding and purposeful ascertaining of ones life-course in security and stability one has to raise one’s alertness and determine the factual reality. This is sharpened when one focuses on the Supermind of Om from our somatic mind that is clouded. This state of mind is what I mean by spiritual thoughts. It is just someone who has a higher plane of understanding reality by the mind and not delusional in one's outlook which the lower plane of understanding generates and what then causes disruption. For example, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom has considered Covid certificate ideas, fullstop. We cannot cast aspersions on what his ulterior motives might be as to whether this is a stepping stone to fullest-scale surveillance of society through ID Cards with our DNA imprinted on them for that is not liberal. Do wish to be liberal. That is another question.
I do not wish to take medications or vaccinations against the coronavirus but my wife compels me to do so. I live within the family socialism so I accommodate her thoughts as if they are my own thoughts. For outsiders it is a different matter. We cannot afford to trust anyone whatsoever. That is the basis of Libertarianism for which full-scale democracy is tge only solution. The Prime Minister has to prove that the concerns being raised are unjustified. Until then we should distrust him to not have yet proven his integrity. However, from what I have observed through the Brexit negotiations and in relation to the Supreme Court Judgement the royal preropgative powers of the Chief Executive Prime Minister, he is intensely law-abiding. He does not wish to be a martyr to any cause. I seek to emulate him not that I needed that kind of advice. I was always naturally law-abiding in being truth-accommodating.