By midday today (19 February 2024), Kent Police had completed its investigation on the author, from the finding that neither the Central London County Court processing my Claim E35YM660, nor the North Kent Magistrates Court examining the criminal aspects of this Claim would entertain a Quality Assurance process on the submission reported here: Fw: Charge Refused and Restoration of Seized Property ( I had waited until 10 am for an email or telephone call but none came, I deduced from the lack response that thecivil and criminal Courts could not interfere with the investigations of Kent Police on me with regards to the Stalking and Malicious Communications Offences that I was a allegedly a suspect on, and Kent Police too had kept silent on the communicaiton that I had sent out.
So to test whether the Police Force was effectively the law of the nation, I drove to Medway Police Station at 10.15 am, and went to the front desk as instructed by DC Field saying that I have been told that the property seized from us was now available for collection by me. PC Nick was at the counter and together with another lady police officer said that yes we do have propery for you to collect. I showed them the Propery Reference Number as XY/13540/2021/5 together with my Photo ID, and was asked to wait in the adjoining room. A trolley full of computers, mobile phones, Amazon pads, USB Memory Sticks and Mobile Phones with around 20 books and correspondence files were brought into the room and PC NIck removed the items one by one from the packs and placed the items back on the trolley. He rechecked my Photo ID (Driving Licence) and asked me to sign three sheets of papers and to write down my Mobile Phone number on the sheets, and said that he would bring the trolley laden with the materials to the car that I had parked outside the Police Station.
I then showed him the two Refused-charge Certificates ( Charge Refused Certificate from Kent Police and the Restoration of Seized Property ( ) and drew his attention to the statements contained in them: 'If you are currently on bail to return to the police station in respect of these offence(s) it will not now be necessary for you to return' and pointed to the Bail document that had until then required me to attend the Police Station on 16 March 2024, 17.00 hours. I asked him to clarify to me this point because I had said that I had sent emails but could not get an answer. He said No I am not any longer required to attend on this Bail date. I asked him whether he was sure. He said Yes he was sure of what he had said.
PC Nick helped me load up the car with all the items that were being restored to us and I drove home. He had siad that if other items were subsequently found in the Police Station belonging to me the Police will get in touch with me so that I could come and pick those up.
At 2.31 pm my Mobile Phone rang from01622 690690, and a message was left on the Voice mail from PC Nick saying the they had found another item (a Mobile Phone) if I would like to come and pick that one also. He said that he would be there until 5.00 pm today. At 2.55 pm, my Mobile Phone rang again from01622 690690, I did not answer it because I was waiting to see if the Central London County Court or NorthKent Magistrates Court would yet contact me by 5.00 pm today in view of the published material relating to HMRC (RE: HMRC3 (
I needed the final clearance before goint to Medway Police Station to pick up the remaining Mobile Phone based on what had transpired today. This so that I can be sure that Kent Police is no longer investigating me for any or the same offences that were the subject of its investigations or any new ones as the matter was supposed to be under review of the Police Force. In other words I wanted documentary or verbal assurance that I had receive full exoneration from any wrong doing over the past 26 years in the United Kingdom.