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Writer's pictureShantanu Panigrahi

The right to publish one's thoughts: indeed the need to do so

Hello from BalboaPressUK Publishing

Maria Cecilia <>

11 May 2021 at 18:46

To: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

Hello Shantanu,

I am sorry for the inconvenience but the reason why your card been keep declined is that your bank block the payment. You need to contact them for them to be able to lift any notification.


Maria Cecilia

Publishing Consultant

Balboa Press UK


1663 Liberty Drive

Bloomington, IN USA 47403

Toll Free: (Domestic) 0800.014.8647 ext: 5884

UK Local: +4420 3695 6325

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Book sales are dependent on any number of factors including the quality of the book, the author’s ability and motivation to reach audiences and reader interest in a particular topic. While we provide information and services to enable authors the opportunity to build a platform, we do not guarantee book sales.

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From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 6:37 PM

To: Maria Cecilia <>

Subject: Re: Hello from BalboaPressUK Publishing

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Dear Maria Cecilia

I tried to pay the first instalment on my Barclays Visa Debit Card to your Finance Department over the phone and there was no reason whatsoever that it should have been declined then. I just tried to link into the email you sent me and attempted to make the payment again using my Santander Visa Debit Card, and the message came that the transaction was again declined without any reason being offered by the Bank. There are State-sponsored criminals who have tried blocking my attempts at publishing this book, first by Authorhouse UK a decade ago under false pretences using the same arguments that you have outlined above. Then there was Austin Macauley and Greenberry who gave me the runaround on a wild goose chase.

You should be aware that all the materials in the book are already in the public domain in internet websites: Shantanu Panirahi's Websites April, so if there were objections by anyone named in the book their time for lodging their grievances has long since expired. The matter was taken to the County Court in Central London under Claim Number E35YM660 and no Court Order has been issued and served on me preventing me or my Publishers to publish the book immediately; sees attached ToAdminstrativeCourtHighCourtccJudiciaryCentralLondonCountyCourt(CourtOrder)10May2021.docx.

There is therefore no need for me to seek the approval of each and everyone named in the book as a person or an institution nationally within the United Kingdom or globally. The truth must be printed accordingly.

I would like a definite yes or no from you this evening so that I can contact Barclays Bank and Santander Bank as to why the transactions attempted were declined. I consider it a criminal matter if you do not reply. This applies to Authorhouse Uk, Austine Macualey and Greenberry too.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

On Tue, 11 May 2021 at 14:59, Maria Cecilia <> wrote:

Dear Shantanu,

Before you will be proceeding in making the initial payment. Please ponder on this.

I have partially skimmed your manuscript. I would like to be transparent to you when it comes to our Content Guidelines, that we have a strict compliance since we are a division of Hay House. You mention names in your manuscript, you will be needing to get their written approval this is to avoid any legal issues.

General Policies

· Contain at least 75% original material

· Not have hate speech.

· Not contain underage graphic sexual scenes.

· Not have any depiction of Muhammad.

· Be written in English and Spanish only.

· Not have descriptions of bestiality.

To resolve all the libel issues in the manuscript, we’ll need you to use a pen name that is not close to your real name. With this, we also need you to change all of the character’s names in the manuscript to a fictitious name.

· You can use mother, father, friend, husband (general names) in the manuscript for as long as you have used a fictitious pen name.

If the above is not workable on your end, you may;

· Tone down the libelous statements include citing as an opinion, not as facts.

Use phrases such as “in my opinion”, “I think” “it appears like” “for me”.

· Either we tone down the libelous/invasion of privacy statements or remove it.

· Potentially-libelous statements- tone down the statement or remove the statements. "Toning down" includes citing as an opinion, not as facts.

Ex: For me, It looks like, it seems like

This is a fantastic script; it does an incredible job of following the relationship of the characters and how it changes through events. It is an easy read but a very powerful story. You have a very strong message for your book. We need to convey the message clearly to other people.

This alone shows how well written it is and I can’t wait to see this work come to life. I’m starting to see one incredibly great story unfolding. I can already tell that once published it will be more rousing and incredibly magnetizing!


Maria Cecilia

Publishing Consultant

Balboa Press UK


1663 Liberty Drive

Bloomington, IN USA 47403

Toll Free: (Domestic) 0800.014.8647 ext: 5884

UK Local: +4420 3695 6325

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Book sales are dependent on any number of factors including the quality of the book, the author’s ability and motivation to reach audiences and reader interest in a particular topic. While we provide information and services to enable authors the opportunity to build a platform, we do not guarantee book sales.

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From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 11:27 AM

To: Maria Cecilia <>

Subject: Re: Hello from BalboaPressUK Publishing

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Dear Maria

I sent you the draft of the Book ten minutes ago and have assessed the email that you have now sent me. At this present moment I am only prepared to pay BalboaPressUKPublishing £60 non refundable fee to have the contents for:

Reviewing your manuscript – A specialist (Content Evaluator) will initially review the manuscript to check if the book is technically ready for publication, and to check for any copyright and content concerns. BalboaPressUk will not publish manuscripts with copyrighted contents, malicious contents, hate literature and pornography.

Please let me know if this is acceptable. If it passes this hurdle, I will pay the remaining balance from £4299.00 in instalments.

Thank you for your urgent attention, as I have other Publishers that I am awaiting a response from.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

On Tue, 11 May 2021 at 11:12, Maria Cecilia <> wrote:

Hello Shantanu,

Thank you for your time earlier!

Balboa Press UK is a self-publishing company specialising in self-help titles that inspire and enlighten readers. We are a division of Hay House, a New Thought and self-help traditional publisher founded in 1984 by author Louise Hay. We publish books that are related to the mind-body-spirit subject matter and that are in line with our core values: to help people improve their lives and the Earth. While we do specialise in self-help books, we publish a wide range of genres that adhere to these standards, including children's books, photography, fiction, poetry, cookbooks and more.


Choosing your publishing package – As a Publishing Consultant, it is my job to help you check for the most suitable publishing program for your book project. BalboaPressUk offers a wide array of publishing and marketing services perfectly fit for different book genres and publishing goals.

Submitting your manuscript – Manuscripts are preferred to be sent out in Word format. If you have images inside the book, kindly send it as a different file, in jpeg or .tiff format. Specifications and word count on Dedication page, Author’s Biography and Preface will be discussed by your Check-In Coordinator (CIC)

Reviewing your manuscript – A specialist (Content Evaluator) will initially review the manuscript to check if the book is technically ready for publication, and to check for any copyright and content concerns. BalboaPressUk will not publish manuscripts with copyrighted contents, malicious contents, hate literature and pornography.

Editing your manuscript – If your purchased services do not include editing, this step will be skipped. Otherwise, an editor will be assigned to work on your book.

Designing your book cover – Our graphic designer will assist you in coming up with an attractive and catchy over design. The book cover initially speaks for itself, so we need to make sure you explore all your options.

Finalizing your book galley – All throughout the process, your Production representatives will seek your approval to make sure we’re working on the book just exactly how you wanted. After working on the book cover, interior layout and editorial, we will send you a final draft of your book before making it available for sale. Corrections must be carefully considered before printing copies of your book.

Registering your book – Your book will be assigned with an ISBN, EAN/UPC Barcode and Copyright which will be registered under your name. It will also be listed with major online resellers like Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Waterstones, and many more.

Distributing your book – Your book will be available for Print-On-Demand. Our Customer support and or a Book Consultant will be available 24/7 to process book orders and answer order inquiries from you and your readers and buyers.

Marketing your book – One of the most crucial parts in publishing a book is promoting it. We will assign a specific Marketing Consultant for you to help you identify the right market for your book. Your marketing consultant will collaborate with your ideas and will help you come up with an effective marketing strategy to specifically target your niche market.

As promised, below is the Publishing Package I am recommending for your book, based on the information you provided earlier:


You will receive the following services in this Package:


· ISBN Assignment

· UK Legal Deposit to 5 major Libraries


· Author Support

· 10 image insertions/Text treatments

· Book Cover Design

· Interior Book Design and Layout

· Editorial Assessment

· E-book Formatting and Distribution


· Barnes and Noble “Read Instantly”

· Amazon “Look Inside

· Google Preview


· 10 Complimentary Softcover Copies

· 5 Complimentary Hardcover Copies

· 15 Free Digital Bookstubs




Payment Options:

Full Payment

BalboaPressUK Services



£ 4,299.00

Investment can be paid in full up front by a Check, Money Order, Wire Transfer, Debit and Credit Card

Installment Plan

1st Payment + £ 60

There is a £ 60 onetime, non-refundable processing fee for installments

£ 1,493.00

2nd Payment

£ 1,433.00

3rd Payment

£ 1,433.00

Installment only valid if you have a credit/debit card with DISCOVER, VISA, MASTERCARD or AMERICAN EXPRESS logo


Please note: All our publishing packages do not include editing; however, we believe that editing is an important step for authors looking to achieve commercial success for their books. We do offer a full range of editorial services, which we encourage our authors to review based on their specific needs.

Also, we will register your book to the British Library and to major libraries who requests it.

There are 5 major libraries in the UK:

*The British Library

*Agency for the Legal Deposit Library (ALDL)

*Bodleian Libraries of the University of Oxford

*Cambridge University Library

*The National Library of Scotland

*The Library of Trinity College Dublin

*National Library of Wales


Distribution means that your book can be purchased by thousands of retailers and made available on their websites or bookstores. This allows you to reach a wide audience and compete in the book marketplace.

If your publishing goals include more than giving away copies of your book to friends and family, book distribution is essential. Although it may sometimes be possible to sell directly to bookstores, booksellers prefer dealing with wholesalers and distributors rather than entering into transactions with individual authors.

Once you publish with Balboa Press, your book will be available through a number of distribution channels: the Books in Print® database, our online bookstore, and two leading book wholesalers in the United States—Ingram and Baker & Taylor. For orders from other areas of the world, our international print network can facilitate the speedy delivery of your books.

Also, thousands of retailers around the United Kingdom will be able to order your book both in stores and online. Online booksellers include, Waterstone's, and other resellers that may pick up your book from the Ingram and Baker & Taylor distribution networks.

*The list of partners may change without prior notice as we may discontinue an existing retailer and/or add new ones from time to time.

Amazon Kindle is the world's most popular and widely used eBook reader (your book will be available to all Amazon resellers worldwide)

B&N Nook gives access to buyers to over one million titles. B&N operates over 700 bookstores in 50 US states



Ingram is the world’s largest book distributor with more than 2 million titles and over 71,000 retail and bookstore partners globally.

Baker & Taylor

B&T is a leading book distributor to libraries and retailers with more than 44,000 customers in over 120 countries


Thousands of libraries, booksellers, and publishers use Bowker Books In Print® every day to discover new books

I look forward to speak with you again on 14th of May, Friday.


Maria Cecilia

Publishing Consultant

Balboa Press UK


1663 Liberty Drive

Bloomington, IN USA 47403

Toll Free: (Domestic) 0800.014.8647 ext: 5884

UK Local: +4420 3695 6325

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Book sales are dependent on any number of factors including the quality of the book, the author’s ability and motivation to reach audiences and reader interest in a particular topic. While we provide information and services to enable authors the opportunity to build a platform, we do not guarantee book sales.

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From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 11:09 AM

To: Maria Cecilia <>

Subject: Re: Hello from BalboaPressUK Publishing

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Dear Maria

It was nice talking to you about the attached VISHISTA-ADVAITA VEDANTA OFA MAHAMATMAN AND

Please send me further details so I can consider it further for our Friday telephone discussion.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

On Tue, 11 May 2021 at 10:32, Maria Cecilia <> wrote:


Dear Shantanu,

You recently expressed interest in self-publishing with BalboaPressUK Publishing.

My name is Maria Cecilia, I am your Publishing Consultant with BalboaPressUK. I would be happy to answer any questions that you may have, or to provide you with the information you need regarding our supported self-publishing services. I tried to dial your number to discuss your plans and help you achieve your goals, but I am unable to connect.

You may respond to me by replying to this email or calling me at 0800 014 8647 EXT 5884. I am in the office from 10:00AM to 7:00PM, Monday through Friday. You may also visit our website here.

I look forward in speaking with you.


Maria Cecilia

Publishing Consultant

Balboa Press UK


1663 Liberty Drive

Bloomington, IN USA 47403

Toll Free: (Domestic) 0800.014.8647 ext: 5884

UK Local: +4420 3695 6325

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Book sales are dependent on any number of factors including the quality of the book, the author’s ability and motivation to reach audiences and reader interest in a particular topic. While we provide information and services to enable authors the opportunity to build a platform, we do not guarantee book sales.

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